Reflections—4 years without answers and without justice!
Mary Lee Grobe was ripped from the people who loved her 4 years ago today. We have yet to see justice—we have yet to have resolution.
We hope the guilty ones stop for a moment today and reflect on what they have done. God already knows who was responsible on 9-27-03 but the rest of us need resolution. Even murders can be forgiven but not until they admit what they have done and try to correct the wrong as best they can. Those that helped cover and conceal are just as guilty in God’s eyes. All need to come clean. Soap won’t clean what you have done. Mary Lee Grobe’s blood cries out and you can’t wash it off until you tell the truth. How can you call yourself Christian until you do as Christ would?
Our questions to you the one responsible include: What did she do to deserve this in your eyes? Who else deserved this in your eyes? Was it worth it? How can human life be worth such a trivial amount of money? You had most of the small amount of money spent before she disappeared; but how long did the remainder last? One month? Two months? Three? Couldn’t you have gotten a part-time job to earn that amount? Isn’t your dignity worth something? What will you do to supplement your income now? How can your family stand you? How can they protect you? Why would they want to? How can they restfully sleep at night? Doesn’t it occur to them that if you think you can make money off it; their life is at risk also?
Why didn’t she (in your evil eyes) deserve a proper burial? It wouldn’t have cost you anything because she paid for the burial policy out of her own money. Didn’t you know where she wanted to be buried once she died? She purchased the headstone with her own money, didn’t she? Why did you have such disrespect for not only her but her husband, Vernon Eugene Grobe? You know Vernon wanted Mary to be taken care of, didn’t you? Why did you display such disrespect to her children and grandchildren? Why did you deprive them of a proper mourning period and arrangement?
For all those duped. . . has your brain kicked in yet? Have you looked at the evidence around you? How is it humanly possible to be so gullible? Hate people if you must for whatever trumped up reason that makes you feel good but use your brain—look at who benefited from her disappearance. Look who had opportunity. Who failed to look for her once she went missing? If it has dawned on you that you were duped; you are probably embarrassed right now but the embarrassment isn’t going to go away just because you continue to bury your head in the sand. The embarrassment will go away and forgiveness given once you speak up and bravely step forward.
There’s no more reward money, you missed that, but doing the right thing is priceless. Doing the right thing is what Mary Lee Grobe deserves!
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