Thank You Butler County
Thank you Butler County, Missouri and all the caring people who located Mary Lee Grobe and made sure she was at least granted her final wish to be buried beside her husband. Thank you for the prayers, the comforting words, the hard labor, the brain work and determination that went into finding her in April 2009. Extensive DNA comparison with four of her children was done and confirms her identity. Thank you to all levels of law enforcement once Heaton left office; Sherriff Dobbs, Investigator/Coroner Jim Akers, the Missouri State Highway Patrol, The FBI, the Fire Marshall’s office, the Division of Senior Services and I’m sure many more. This case tugged at many hearts in Missouri and the nation and finally brought out the best investigators once they were allowed on the case. The trouble was it took so long to get investigated plus they had to contend with local family dynamics involving their own theories and motives. Thank you to the Daily American Republic newspaper, Channel 12 KFVS, Fox2News Channel 2 for the news coverage that helped let the residents know she was missing and needed our help. This was a sad case; one that cried out for the public’s help. Nothing made sense, nothing added up. Someone was up to no good. She was a loyal upstanding citizen who did nothing wrong. She was just trying to live her life peacefully. At the time she vanished she was a 74 year old, legally declared incompetent child-like elderly widow from Poplar Bluff, MO who lived alone. She vanished from her home on 9/27/2003. Amy Bridgewater was the last person to admit seeing her. Mary didn’t drive, couldn’t walk very far and didn’t leave home unless a family member drove her. The door was locked from the outside but her purse, medicines, and all her belongings were inside. She didn’t tell anyone she was leaving as she would normally do. Her dog also vanished with her, but returned 2 days later washed and bathed obviously to conceal evidence. Congratulations, Butler County, Missouri for finding Mary and granting her final wish but your help is still needed in solving the case. Why was an incompetent child-like sweet lady living alone? Who was watching her? Where were Sharron Payne, Mary’s Public Administrator, and the family members who promised the Butler County Court they would watch her so they could prevent her from going to a safer environment? Why were she and her dog, BB, taken from her home? Who would have wanted her gone—she wasn’t bothering anyone? Who had access to her property and a key to her house? Who benefited financially by getting rid of her? Please continue to speak up and tell what you know about this case. Call Butler County Sherriff’s Department. There have been many rumors tossed out to mislead and confuse but the truth is still out there. We still need answers and justice for Mary. Please help!