Missouri Sheriffs & Public Administrators need supervision
The first Sheriff involved with the Mary Lee Grobe investigation was Bill Heaton. His friend, the Public Administrator is Sharron K. Payne. The two of them along with some of Mary Lee Grobe's Poplar Bluff, Missouri family ran the investigation in the first few months after her disappearance. It is a common know fact that the first 72 hours after a crime are critical in an investigation; the professional investigators had to wait 15 months before they were given the case. Heaton is the reason this case hasn't been solved.
Why didn’t Heaton ask for professional help from other law enforcement agencies?
Why did he chase off the professional help (the Missouri State Highway Patrol) he had?
Why did he lie about it afterwards?
Why did he leak confidential information about the case to the Poplar Bluff family and why did he allow Poplar Bluff family members and the “one elected County Official” to run the investigation early on?
Why did Heaton allow her (Sharron K. Payne) relative to use county equipment, to pretend to work for the Prosecuting Attorney office, and gather information illegally?
Missouri Sheriffs and Public Administrators need supervision! Missouri is one of the few states without it and Missouri has one of the highest missing person’s rates. Missouri has a black eye from Sheriff’s like Heaton whose law enforcement savvy has been described as “back woods barbaric”.