Thursday, December 21, 2006

Missouri Sheriffs & Public Administrators need supervision

The first Sheriff involved with the Mary Lee Grobe investigation was Bill Heaton. His friend, the Public Administrator is Sharron K. Payne. The two of them along with some of Mary Lee Grobe's Poplar Bluff, Missouri family ran the investigation in the first few months after her disappearance. It is a common know fact that the first 72 hours after a crime are critical in an investigation; the professional investigators had to wait 15 months before they were given the case. Heaton is the reason this case hasn't been solved.

Why didn’t Heaton ask for professional help from other law enforcement agencies?
Why did he chase off the professional help (the Missouri State Highway Patrol) he had?
Why did he lie about it afterwards?
Why did he leak confidential information about the case to the Poplar Bluff family and why did he allow Poplar Bluff family members and the “one elected County Official” to run the investigation early on?
Why did Heaton allow her (Sharron K. Payne) relative to use county equipment, to pretend to work for the Prosecuting Attorney office, and gather information illegally?

Missouri Sheriffs and Public Administrators need supervision! Missouri is one of the few states without it and Missouri has one of the highest missing person’s rates. Missouri has a black eye from Sheriff’s like Heaton whose law enforcement savvy has been described as “back woods barbaric”.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Elected Official Who Tried to Stop Search

Who were the family members and the elected official who tried to stop the search for Mary Lee Grobe and why wouldn’t they want her found?

Dobbs said “There were family members and even one elected official who tried to get that (draining of the out-of-use lagoon near Mary Lee Grobe’s home to search for her body) stopped,” Dobbs said. “In this case, they were more concerned with family grudges than actually seeing the truth.” (DAR newspaper 11/29/2006)

As far as the family members who were involved, it had to have been the same ones who created a false trail for the first inept sheriff so they could lead him away from the real crime scene. It surely was the same family members who moved in on Mary Lee Grobe’s property once she disappeared. Those same family members are the ones who now had all her belonging for themselves and/or sold them in a yard sale so they could pocket the money. Surely it was the same Poplar Bluff family members who visited Sharron K. Payne’s office to get money from Mary Lee Grobe’s account. The same Poplar Bluff family members who have done nothing to find Mary Lee Grobe; the same family members who tried to stop the Carole Sund/Carrington Reward Fund; the same family members who edited copy written news articles so it would say what they wanted it to say; the same family members who use intimidation and threats to get people to shut up.

Notice, the only family members who are trying to help in the search for Mary Lee Grobe are the ones from out of town, not the ones from Poplar Bluff and Qulin.

Of more importance though what elected official would stick her neck out to keep Mary Lee Grobe from being found and why?

The answer is Sharron K. Payne, Butler County Public Administrator because she doesn’t want Mary Lee Grobe found! The above mentioned evil scheming is just one of many things she has done to mislead investigators, to interfere with the investigation and to help conceal the crime. When you see Sharron K. Payne, ask her when she is going to tell the truth about Mary Lee Grobe and help finally solve this case.

Are there other cases like this in Butler County where Sharron was “helping”? Why is Butler County allowing this?

Butler County will make national news someday for all this!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

57th Wedding Anniversary

Today would have been an important day in Mary Lee Grobe’s life. It would have been her 57th wedding anniversary to her husband, the late Eugene Grobe. Mary Lee Grobe wanted her final resting place to be beside her long time companion. Where is Mary Lee Grobe?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

After Three Years, No Answers in Grobe Case

Our Thank You to those who are trying to find answers for the Mary Lee Grobe Case.

We would like to give a heart-felt thanks to Jackie Harder and the Daily American Republic for your efforts to tell Mary Lee Grobe’s story. Mary was a hard-working dedicated, loving woman who deserved our love and protection. Butler County citizens deserve to know what happened to one of their finest citizens.

Mary’s Poplar Bluff family let her down. Butler County let her down. Finally when it seemed the Courts would step in and protect Mary Lee Grobe, Sharron K. Payne let her down in the most detrimental way. Why didn’t you listen, Sharron?

We thank the Butler County citizens and ask them to please remember Mary Lee Grobe. We ask the Butler County Sheriff’s Department to remember Mary Lee Grobe. Please don’t even think of letting Mary Lee Grobe down again. Mary Lee Grobe had so very little and never complained. She had only one wish or request and that was to be buried beside her husband. How can some people be so heartless to a sweet elderly woman?

See article below by Jackie Harder from the Daily American Republic of Poplar Bluff, MO on 11-29-06

...............double click to enlarge article..............

We agree that adequate law enforcement can serve as a deterrent to crime. We strongly believe the reason Missouri has so many missing persons cases is because of rural sheriff’s like the ones that existed in Butler County, Missouri when the crime occurred back on 9-27-03. A criminal mind would look for opportunities and that is what happened in Butler County. A criminal would naturally look for an area where the sheriff wouldn’t or couldn’t investigate. Yet, Missouri law doesn’t allow for sheriff or Public Administrators supervision. Word spreads, the criminal tells his criminal friends, and the number of missing Missouri persons continues to increase.

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